Review: Namibia’s Apollo 11 Stone

via: Namibia Stone


The native name for the area around the Apollo 11 Cave in Namibia is "Goachanas". The Nama people named the area, and the cave was named by German archaeologist Wolfgang Erich Wendt. 


  • The Apollo 11 Cave is located in the ǀAi-ǀAis/Richtersveld Transfrontier Park in Namibia. 

  • The cave was named after NASA's Apollo 11 moon landing mission by German archaeologist Wolfgang Erich Wendt. 

  • The cave contains painted stone slabs from the Middle Stone Age. 

  • The stones were painted with charcoal, white, and ochre. 

  • The stones depict a variety of animals, including felines and bovids. 

  • The stones are evidence that Homo sapiens were behaviorally and anatomically modern around 25,000 years ago.