100 Awesome Motion Graphic Examples You’ll Wish You Made

via: five


Online video has been on the rise now that mobile is pervasive and social platforms are more video-friendly. And while there are many types of content that can engage people, motion graphic videos are particularly suited to help brands tell their stories.

  • They’re emotionally captivating. With VO, music, beautiful animations, and powerful narratives, they can make you laugh, cry, and learn.

  • They make content easier to comprehend. Motion graphics are a fantastic tool to explain processes, products, or dense subjects—in a short amount of time. (Here are some great examples of explainer videos if you want to see them at work.)

  • They don’t require much from the viewer. People can sit back and watch, without having to spend much energy.

  • They’re easy to repurpose. You can cut one motion graphic into several 30-second promotional vids, update VO, or turn your existing motion graphics into static infographics.

For brands looking to make a connection with their viewers, motion is a no-brainer. But not all motion graphics are created equal. Truly great motion graphic examples make the most of every tool to tell a captivating story that engages people on all levels.

- Five