During the 2020 Pandemic, I yearned to engage in exciting and unique artistic work. However, lacking the necessary tools and materials, I found myself reminiscing about the artwork I created during my time in grad school in 06β. Attending church with my wife in 2020, I was inspired during the pastor's sermon, reflecting on my creative writing course with Abstract sculptor Jessica Stockholder in 06β. During that course, a classmate had impressed me with his artist statement, describing his work using a print material called Lenticular.
This medium struck a chord with me, evoking memories of my childhood with various toys and snacks my mother used to get for my siblings and me. Snacks like cracker jacks and toys like basketball cards utilized printing techniques like lenticular, leaving a lasting impression on me. Despite my curiosity about the classmate's process and equipment, I hesitated to ask him for fear of seeming like I was copying his idea.
For years, I conducted extensive research on lenticular printing, a total of 13 years, until one day during a church service, I decided to search on my phone for "large format lenticular printing." To my delight, I discovered a company in Michigan that could create these prints at a reasonable price. Filled with excitement, I promptly created my first compositions in Photoshop and Illustrator, crafting a love letter to my wife using lenticular prints.
Eager to share my creations with the world, I began showcasing my lenticular prints to Contemporary Galleries in Charleston, South Carolina. To my joy, one of the galleries offered me representation, a moment that filled me with immense pride. That Gallery is The George Gallery.