Visual Artist: Abdulrahman Adesola Yusuf

via: yusuf


β€œ Abdulrahman Adesola Yusuf, the artist also known as Arclight, recalls growing up in a Lagos characterized largely by systemic issues and economic inequality. Despite this, he says the very same city contained boundless optimism. Capturing that contradiction has become his motive and the city, his muse – combining dark thematic undertones with vibrant colors to portray Lagos’ unique identity in his collages.

Yusuf describes his own distinctive style as a mix of surrealism, pop and figurative art. An introspective artist, he also sees his collage work as a version of journaling, albeit one done publicly, and shared in a way that might connect others with similar ideas or experiences. β€œIt creates that kind of open conversation and a community,” he said.

The artist is keen to spark conversation about everything from the upkeep of the city’s infrastructure to the personal freedoms of its millions of citizens, laying prompts within his works.”